I'm with the Band!

My electronic diary of my journey to "onederland". The goal is simple - lose a hundred pounds. The path to get there, I suspect, will be a bit more complicated.

Friday, July 21, 2006

August 9th

It's the date I picked to postpone my surgery - again. I have an appointment with a urologist on Tuesday and if I was to have my surgery on the 2nd, I should have re-started my liquid diet on Wednesday. Um, yeah...that so did not happen.

So I called to postpone, because I'm just not sure if it's even in the realm of possibility to have my surgery on the 2nd, so I'm pushing it back AGAIN to the 9th.

Cross your fingers that everything as goes as well as can be expected, and that the 9th is the day that I start my path to healthier and lighter living!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A little worse for the wear

When I started this blog, never in my wildest dreams (and believe me, I can be C-R-A-Z-Y) did I think that my subtitle would be so appropriate. This journey has taken a less than great left turn to sortafreakinmeoutville.

So my surgery has been postponed until August 2nd, but I'm betting that it will be postponed even later than that. I have to see a Urologist and Infectious Disease specialist to find out why I like to have really scary bacteria in my body.

My urine culture comes back looking like Frankenstein, but my blood work comes back looking like Arnold Schwartenegger (minus any rumored steriod use), so it looks like I have a pretty serious tissue disease. In my kidney or bladder. *sigh* It sometimes brings me to tears when I start to worry about all the what-ifs, but all I can do is go through all the horrible tests they want to do with a positive attitude that it won't be complicated to fix. And if it is complicated, I'll just have to tackle it all one step at a time.

I'm not going to lie that I haven't enjoyed eating a monsterous cheesburger the other day, and eating pasta and bread with wild abandon, but it's time to ratchet down and start my liquid diet again in the RARE case that I may still get to have my band put in on August 2nd.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


That's the sound of my bubble as it burst today. After my physical last Thursday, I got a call from my Primary Health Provider, Dr. Shafiq. He is this quirky little Indian man who always greets me with, "Hallo, Miz Ereeen!", but this time he was a bit concerned when he called.

"Miz Ereeen, I have some bahd news."

"Hi, Dr. Shafiq, what's up?"

"Well, it loooks like you have an infection in your solitary, precious kidney."

...blah blah blah doctor talk..."I will run a culture to see what it is, but in the meantime, I won't prescribe anything until we get it back. Probably by Monday."

So today my surgery was cancelled because my colony titers are too high and I haven't been medication long enough. UGH. I shed a bunch of tears, because I felt like someone stole my birthday.

And then I got sorta ticked. And like the Hulk, no one likes to seem me when I'm angry.

So two weeks of very good adherence to a less than exciting liquid diet down the drain! And I'm sorta past it all, but I just want to get so badly on the path of better health and lower scale numbers.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

T-minus 60 hours

I'm surprised I'm not that nervous, other than normal jitters that you should have with any surgery. Unfortunately, I'm more than slightly experienced with surgical procedures, having a congenital renal disorder. This is the number one reason I'm attacking my weight issue with so much gusto. Other than reasons 2 through 5 - my husband Josh and my three kids, Brody, McKenna and Griffin.

Today we ate at my mom's house for supper, and I was REALLY hungry. After 11 days of a "full liquid" diet, I'll fess up...the sight of hot dog and macaroni and cheese about got me choking on my own saliva! There is nothing FULL about these liquids - and I got only mild satisfaction out of eating my tomato soup as the rest enjoyed their cheeseburgers, turkey dogs, potato salad and macaroni and cheese.

AHHHH....macaroni and cheeeeeeese. I hope I can work that into the mushies!! Okay, maybe not, but it was a romantic thought while I typed it.

Friday, July 07, 2006

An introduction

My name is Erin and I'm in day 9 of my "full liquid" diet as I prepare myself for AGB (Adjustable Gastric Band) surgery next Wednesday.

I thought I would create this blog to record my progress and share my experiences with the anyone who may happen to stumble upon it. It's my goal to take a picture every day of my progress and share my experiences as I begin my goal of losing 100 pounds.

100 pounds. Just typing that makes me shake my head as I realize that I've allowed myself to become obese. I'm just grateful that I have chance to try this newish technology to help me control my urge to overeat. Portion control is my archenemy and I'm bound and determined to reign that in.

So thanks for reading my blog. Welcome to I'm with the Band!