I'm with the Band!

My electronic diary of my journey to "onederland". The goal is simple - lose a hundred pounds. The path to get there, I suspect, will be a bit more complicated.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Today is the day!

Well, I am officially at the precipice of changing my life. After all the work to get here and dealing with the disappointment of the cancellations of my surgery, I am writing just 1 hour before I go to the hospital.

While I'm nervous, I find that I'm not the "I don't want to jump off the cliff" kind of nervous. More like "I have to give a big presentation" nervous. We'll see what I think AFTER the procedure is completed!

And I'm excited. Excited to change. Excited to become healthier. Excited to be thin. After noon today, I can officially proclaim, "I'M WITH THE BAND."

Catch you on the flip side!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I'm sorry I haven't posted for awhile - I realized that my last post made it appear that I was having surgery on the 9th. Well that day has come and gone and I'm still unbanded.

My journey with the Nephrologist has been an emotionally taxing one for me, but, ultimately, the news is REALLY good. I just found out today that I do not need to have a non-elective procedure before I have the elective one. My kidney and bladder are looking really good, considering, and my infection is gone! So no Infectious Disease specialists, no urologists, no surgery (yet), and I can go back to hoping to be an old old lady someday. WHEW.

So, I had pushed my date back to October 4th a while ago, because it just seemed like no matter what came of the investigative phase I've been in, I would need a new treatment plan and surgery. But now that my nephrologist has given me the greenlight to proceed with the Band, I find myself in the situation that I could be doing this on August 30th - WOW!

So I've got some work ahead of me to see if I can make this new date stick. My list of to-do's over the next day is:
- Get approval of date change from nephrologist
- Get letter of approval for surgery from nephrologist, fax to clinic
- Find out if I need to stay on current blood pressure meds or change as nephrologist planned
- Make pre-op appointment with clinic...again
- Make appointment for pre-op labs...again
- Make appointment for EKG and Chest x-rays done...again
- Stock refrigerator with liquid diet food...again
- Get all work prepped for my absence...again
- Resubmit all my leave of absence paperwork with new dates...again
- Panic that I've gained weight while dealing with this whole ordeal (I cannot gain weight prior to surgery)
- Start planning to lose any weight that I have gained
- Have my last supper tomorrow, which also happens to be my husband's birthday

And there is ONE BIG, SAD, UNFORTUNATE NO-NO on my list. NO SEX. I'm convinced that I got this last infection from a "more than arduous" evening of pre-surgical fun with my wonderful husband. Not gonna happen this time. No way. Sorry, honey, no birthday fun for you.

So, cross your fingers everyone that August 30th sticks! I'll keep you all posted.